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Отправлено: 18 Мая, 2024 - 20:34:07
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Дата рег-ции: Окт. 2014
Откуда: Магадан
Можно доперевести биографию офицеров, брифинги я вроде все перевёл. На каждого человека отводится 14 строк максимум, 28 символов длина каждой строки:
Фельдмаршал. Командовал/00
группой армий "А" во время/00
вторжения во Францию и/00
блокировал армии союзников/00
у Дюнкерка./00
Приказ Гитлера не позволил/00
группе форсировать канал/00
Сент-Омер, дав возможность/00
британским войскам уйти./00
Переведён на Восточный/00
фронт для вторжения в СССР/00
в качестве командующего/00
группой армий "Юг"./00
Фельдмаршал. Величайший/00
тактик германской армии./00
Именно он придумал идею/00
бронетанкового прорыва в/00
Арденнах, который привёл к/00
поражению Франции. Возглавил/00
осаду Севастополя и захватил/00
этот русский город./00
Переведён в Сталинград для/00
спасения уязвимой 6-й армии./00
Не смотря на сопротивление/00
противника, стабилизировал/00
немецкий фронт./00
Фельдмаршал. Командующий/00
4-й армией при вторжении во/00
После наступления на/00
Москву, он участвовал в/00
безрезультатной курской/00
наступательной операции./00
Клюге сменил Рундштедта в/00
Нормандии, став командующим/00
западного направления./00
Проиграв сражение, был/00
вынужден отступить./00
Фельдмаршал. С самого/00
начала поддерживал нацизм./00
Командовал 10-й армией при/00
вторжении в Польшу, а затем/00
возглавил 6-ю армию при/00
нападении на Францию и/00
Бельгию. После неудавшегося/00
наступления на Москву, он/00
сменил Рундштедта на посту/00
командующего группой армий/00
Вскоре после этого у него/00
случился инсульт./00
Фельдмаршал. Командовал/00
12-й армией при вторжении/00
во Францию./00
Был на посту командующего/00
при вторжении в Грецию, а/00
затем командовал группой/00
армий "А" при продвижении/00
её по России./00
Демонстрировал лояльность/00
Гитлеру и нацизму./00
Командовал группой армий/00
"Центр" при вторжении в/00
Россию, но был отправлен в/00
отставку после неудачного/00
захвата Сталинграда./00
Фельдмаршал. Командовал/00
18-й армией группы армий "Б"/00
при вторжении в Голландию./00
После успешной десантной/00
операции Голландия была/00
захвачена в течение 5 дней./00
Фельдмаршал. Прославленный/00
командир танковых войск./00
Во время вторжения во/00
Францию, возглавлял две/00
танковые группы под/00
командованием Гудериана и/00
Рейнхардта. Он руководил/00
продвижением группы армий/00
"Юг" к Киеву и получил/00
известность при вторжении/00
на Кавказ. Позже командовал/00
войсками в Украине./00
Вымышленный персонаж./00
Генерал немецкой армии./00
Появляется во втором/00
сценарии для увеличения/00
малого количества генералов/00
к этому моменту войны./00
Генерал бронетанковой/00
Его Блицкриг с быстро/00
наступающими танковыми/00
частями и следующей позади/00
них пехотой, показал свою/00
эффективность при вторжении/00
в Польшу и Францию./00
Но триумф его второй/00
танковой группы был прерван/00
русскими морозами и/00
контратакой противника,/00
замедлившей наступление./00
Field Marshal known as/00
the "Desert Fox"./00
Commander of Afrika Korps./00
Armored strategist who/00
consistently upset British/00
advances in the region./00
During the investigation/00
regarding the Hitler Bomb/00
Plot, he chose poison over a/00
trial and took his own life./00
Major General./00
Commander of the 21st/00
Armored Division of the/00
Afrika Korps./00
Captured during the/00
assault on Tobruk./00
Commander of the 15th/00
Armored Division of the/00
Afrika Korps./00
Destroyed during the/00
siege of Tobruk./00
Commander of the 15th and/00
21st Armored Divisions of/00
the Afrika Korps./00
Later became Armored/00
Infantry commander./00
Under Rommel, he directed/00
the orders of the Afrika/00
Korps' Armored Units./00
Commander of the 18th/00
Armored Division of the/00
Afrika Korps./00
During the attack/00
operation against Gazala,/00
his plane was shot down and/00
he was captured./00
Lieutenant General./00
Staff Officer to Field/00
Marshal Rommel./00
Commanded independent/00
unit which achieved big/00
results in North Africa./00
Commander of Afrika Korps/00
after Rommel became terribly/00
Soon after the beginning/00
of the battle at El Alamein,/00
a stroke took his life./00
Brave soldier who fought/00
in both World Wars./00
In WWḽḽ, he fought in/00
both the French and Russian/00
Later, he was captured at/00
the battle of El Alamein./00
General. Transferred from/00
the Eastern Front to defend/00
After Rommel, he directed/00
the Afrika Korps./00
Major General. Commander/00
of 21st Armored Division of/00
the Afrika Korps./00
He lost his life in the/00
battle at Alam el Harfa/00
Directed a paratroop unit/00
during the battle at/00
El Alamein in North Africa./00
Fictitious officer./00
Only Italian general in/00
Operation Europe game./00
General. Commanded/00
Armored Division in the/00
invasion of Poland./00
Under the command of/00
Manstein, he directed the/00
orders at Kursk./00
General. In the invasion/00
of Russia, he commanded the/00
3rd Armored unit./00
Surrounding the Russian/00
army, 290,000 enemy soldiers/00
SS General. Commander of/00
2nd SS Armored Army./00
Later took over command/00
of the 7th Army at Normandy./00
Commanded armored units/00
at the Western Front./00
Went against suggestions/00
to place armored units at/00
the Normandy coast./00
His positioning of units/00
inland delayed the German/00
counter-attack to the Allied/00
Commander of 84th Army./00
Commanded the defense/00
against the Allied invasion/00
of Normandy./00
He was mortally wounded/00
during a bombing while/00
moving in the front lines./00
SS General with high/00
loyalty towards Hitler./00
In the invasion of Russia,/00
he commanded the 1st SS/00
Panzer Division and in the/00
Battle of the Bulge, he/00
commanded the 6th SS Panzer/00
After the withdrawal from/00
North Africa, he commanded/00
an Armored Division at/00
Also fought in the Battle/00
of the Bulge./00
Famous Tank commander who/00
was known as Panzer Lehr./00
In the battle at Normandy,/00
he commanded the 12th SS/00
Armored Division./00
Commander of SS Armored/00
Led the 1st SS Armored/00
Regiment at the Battle of/00
the Bulge./00
Responsible for the/00
capture of American troops/00
and the execution of 86/00
General. Commander of/00
large German Armored/00
Evacuated from Africa, he/00
later commanded the 7th/00
Panzer Division in Russia./00
At the Battle of the/00
Bulge, he led the 5th Panzer/00
At the Battle of the/00
Bulge, he commanded the 26th/00
Civil Grenadier Division./00
Surrounded the Allies at/00
Bastogne and battered them/00
close to defeat./00
Colonel. Commanded 5th/00
Airborne Division at Battle/00
of the Bulge./00
Surrounded Bastogne and/00
prevented any further/00
advance of American armored/00
Fictitious army officer./00
Appears in the later/00
It's advisable for/00
a player who doesn't want/00
an SS officer in command of/00
a unit to select this/00
SS colonel. Spectacular/00
officer who engaged in/00
espionage activities for/00
Famous for leading a/00
commando squad which freed/00
Mussolini from captivity./00
Known as the "most/00
dangerous man in Europe",/00
he was feared by the Allied/00
Colonel. At Battle of the/00
Bulge, he commanded a/00
Paratroop unit to open roads/00
for German units and block/00
enemy attempts to reinforce./00
The plan did not meet/00
most of its objectives, but/00
it did cause confusion/00
behind Allied lines./00
Field Marshal. Commanded/00
German Luftwaffe./00
Provided strong support/00
for Blitzkrieg assaults./00
During attack on Britain,/00
he executed effective raids/00
against air bases./00
Later, he was transferred/00
and became C-in-C South for/00
battles in Sicily and Italy./00
Achieved remarkable/00
results with the weak/00
military power which he had/00
at his disposal./00
Commander of the last/00
reinforcement Armored/00
Division to Berlin./00
Executed a fierce/00
counter-attack to drive the/00
Russians out of the city./00
German army officer./00
Family soldier lineage of/00
800 years./00
Fought at Eastern front/00
as Fourth Army commander and/00
commander of the First/00
Panzer Army./00
Reputation for being a/00
master of defensive tactics./00
Responsible for the/00
defense of Berlin./00
Храбрый солдат французской/00
колониальной армии в/00
Северной Африке./00
Командовал 9-й французской/00
армией и воевал против/00
отборных немецких частей./00
Поставленная задача: не/00
допустить переправы немцев/00
через реку Маас./00
Командир 71-й пехотной/00
Был готов к внезапному/00
нападению немцев и быстро/00
пересёк линию фронта,/00
чтобы не допустить/00
форсирования реки Маас./00
Командир 55-й дивизии/00
10-й армии./00
Участвовал в обороне реки/00
Маас, но атака немецкой/00
авиации уничтожила его/00
отряд вместе с ним./00
Лидер французского/00
движения сопротивления./00
Также военный офицер и/00
известный политик./00
После поражения Франции/00
выступал по Би-би-си, будучи/00
в изгнании в Лондоне./00
Он призывал французский/00
народ сопротивляться немцам./00
Позже он возглавил движение/00
"Свободная Франция", а после/00
войны стал премьер-министром/00
Командир 1-й танковой/00
Получил приказ атаковать/00
немецкую армию, но нехватка/00
горючего заставила его/00
дивизию отступить к штабу,/00
где 9-я армия была/00
Вымышленный офицер./00
Из-за малого количества/00
французских военачальников/00
потребовалось создание/00
этого персонажа, чтобы он/00
представлял менее известных/00
Командир 14-й пехотной/00
дивизии и 6-й резервной/00
В сражении с немецким/00
танковым батальоном, войска/00
союзников так и не дождались/00
прибытия подкрепления, что/00
заставило его вывести свои/00
войска из боя./00
Командир 3-й мотострелковой/00
Имел возможность атаковать/00
с тыла немецкую 11-ю/00
танковую дивизию, но не/00
смог принять это смелое/00
Офицер артиллерии./00
Перед нападением войск/00
Германии на Францию, его/00
солдаты впали в панику и/00
были разбиты./00
Он помог создать/00
оборонительный лагерь для/00
отражения атаки противника./00
Полковник пехотного/00
Молниеносная атака/00
немецкой армии заставила/00
его перейти в оборонительную/00
Потеря связи со штабом/00
вынудила его командовать/00
обороной самостоятельно./00
Field Marshal. In North/00
Africa, he launched attacks/00
against Italian forces which/00
resulted in the capture of/00
Tobruk and Benghazi./00
The arrival of Rommel's/00
Afrika Korps caused him to/00
commit forces to several/00
The Afrika Korps reached/00
the Egyptian border and with/00
the failure to recapture/00
Tobruk, Auchinleck became/00
his replacement./00
General. In the Battle of/00
North Africa, he/00
participated in the Crusader/00
campaign to relieve Tobruk/00
as he commanded 630 tanks./00
Yet, acting too/00
conservatively, his unit was/00
hit hard./00
Auchinleck later replaced/00
him with another commander./00
Field Marshal. Took/00
control of British troops/00
just as Rommel's summer/00
offensive began./00
Executed the Crusader/00
offensive to reverse an/00
earlier defeat at Tobruk and/00
stablilized the front at/00
El Alamein in the midst of/00
strong German counterattacks./00
Created the crucial/00
groundwork for future/00
command of the 8th Army and/00
was replaced by Alexander./00
Field Marshal. In charge/00
of the Allied defense of/00
Commanded Allied forces/00
in the Middle East and/00
oversaw the final conquest/00
of North Africa./00
Directed military/00
strategy in Italy./00
Field Marshal. One of the/00
most popular and able/00
British commanders who had/00
poor relations with many/00
Allied military leaders./00
One of the last to be/00
evacuated from Dunkirk./00
Scored victories in North/00
Africa against the Germans/00
at Alam Halfa and at El/00
Also helped lead the/00
massive landing at Normandy./00
Lieutenant General. Took/00
command of the 13th Corps/00
and led it through defeats/00
at Gazala and Mersa Matruh./00
Selected to replace/00
Alexander as commander of/00
the 8th Army./00
During his flight to/00
Egypt, he lost his life in a/00
plane crash./00
Major General. In North/00
Africa, he commanded his/00
forces in the defeat of/00
large numbers of Italian/00
He also led Special/00
Forces' units./00
General. Famous for his/00
military strategy./00
Wavell recruited him to/00
command the Western Desert/00
Force and destroy the/00
Italians in Africa./00
Achieved good victory/00
over the Italians./00
With an attack by the/00
Germans, he was captured at/00
the front./00
He later escaped and went/00
on to command the 8th Corps/00
in Normandy./00
Divison Commander of the/00
7th Armored Division in/00
North Africa./00
Directed the offensive/00
from the south during the/00
Battle at El Alamein./00
Commanded 4th India/00
In the Battle at/00
El Alamein, his sudden/00
attack on Italian Battalions/00
succeeded in breaking/00
through to the Axis forces'/00
In North Africa, he/00
commanded the 2nd Division/00
of New Zealand./00
At the battle of Mersa/00
Matruh, he was seriously/00
injured and had to withdraw/00
behind the battle front./00
Commander of 7th Armored/00
Division. Staff Officer to/00
In the Normandy invasion,/00
he commanded the US 6th/00
Airborne Division./00
Using gliders, his/00
division silently landed/00
near the coast and then took/00
over a German battery./00
Commander of 13th Corps/00
of the 8th Army./00
Chosen to command the 2nd/00
Army landing at Juno Beach./00
Field Marshal./00
Well respected by his/00
soldiers, he was known as/00
the "GI's General" and soon/00
became a highly decorated/00
Commanded 12th Army Group/00
with 1.25 million soldiers/00
which he used to invade/00
General. Commander of/00
armored divisions famous for/00
his bravery, ruthlessness/00
and egotism./00
He exhibited his/00
competent command with the/00
invasion of Sicily, the/00
landing at Normandy, and the/00
Battle of the Bulge./00
Also led major advance into/00
Lieutenant General./00
Fought against the/00
Japanese at Guadalcanal and/00
commanded the US 7th Army in/00
the attack on Normandy and/00
the invasion of Utah Beach./00
Assigned to the US 5th/00
Army and participated in the/00
landing at Omaha Beach/00
during the battle at/00
Colonel. Assigned to the/00
US 10th Armored Division./00
Fought at the Battle of/00
the Bulge./00
Assistant commander of/00
the U.S. 82nd Airborne/00
Division under Commander/00
Led paratrooper invasion/00
into Normandy./00
Later became commanding/00
general of the Division./00
Known as "Slim Jim"./00
Commander of the 101st/00
Airborne Division./00
His combat jump at/00
Normandy was a failure and/00
resulted in a 70% loss of/00
arms and a 30% loss of/00
He was also captured./00
Lieutenant Colonel. Used/00
gliders during the landing/00
at Normandy, and captured an/00
enemy battery./00
Major. Participated in/00
the storming of Normandy and/00
the advance into St. Lo.,/00
but he lost his life in/00
3rd Battalion Commander/00
of the 116th Infantry/00
Major General. Commanded/00
the 8th Army with the taking/00
of Brest and the holding of/00
positions in the Ardennes./00
With only 4 weak/00
Divisions, he was suddenly/00
attacked by the Germans./00
Praised for his skill to/00
stand strong against more/00
powerful opponents./00
Colonel. Commander of/00
110th Infantry Regiment./00
In the Battle of the/00
Bulge, he defended Clervaux./00
However, with the limited/00
number of soldiers under his/00
command, he couldn't sustain/00
the fight and was captured./00
Major General. At the/00
Battle of the Bulge, he led/00
the 28th Infantry Division/00
in the defense of Wiltz./00
His Division could only/00
hold out for 2 days and then/00
was destroyed./00
Major General. 10th/00
Armored Division Commander./00
At the Battle of the/00
Bulge, he led his forces to/00
support the 28th Infantry/00
Division, yet his Division/00
was destroyed./00
However, the arrival of/00
his troops was a success in/00
the fact that they prolonged/00
the fight with the Germans./00
Field Marshal. Commanded/00
the defense of Bastogne in/00
the Battle of the Bulge./00
Famous for his one word/00
reply in refusing a German/00
surrender: "Nuts!"/00
Colonel. Commander of an/00
Armored Fighting unit of the/00
10th Armored Division./00
At the Battle of the/00
Bulge, he blocked the path/00
of the German Army and/00
stopped their advance./00
Brigadier General. At the/00
Battle of the Bulge, he/00
commanded an Armored/00
Fighting unit of the 4th/00
Armored Division./00
Directed forces to save/00
Bastogne which was/00
surrounded by German forces./00
Fictional officer./00
Sergeant for Infantry/00
From the Normandy/00
invasion until the Battle of/00
the Bulge, he usually fought/00
at the front lines./00
Lieutenant Colonel./00
Commanded 37th Tank/00
Battalion in breaking/00
through the German hold on/00
Bastogne and joining the/00
defense troops at the city./00
Famous for his bravery/00
in battle./00
A tank was later/00
manufactured under his name./00
Famous Russian Commander./00
At Stalingrad, he was/00
responsible for the/00
encirclement and destruction/00
of a large number of German/00
Led the Central Front/00
during the Battle at Kursk/00
and executed a surprise/00
attack against the Germans/00
near Orel./00
General. Commanded the/00
South Western Front in the/00
Battle of Stalingrad in/00
which the German 6th Army/00
under Paulus was surrounded/00
and then annihilated./00
Led the defense against/00
Manstein at the Battle of/00
Kursk and then recaptured/00
Kharkov and Kiev./00
Field Marshal. C-in-C of/00
the entire Russian Western/00
Front who directed the/00
successful defense of Moscow./00
Also led brilliant/00
counter-offensives against/00
the German army at/00
Stalingrad, Kursk and the/00
In April 1945, he/00
commanded the final/00
offensive against Berlin/00
which led to the fall of the/00
Third Reich./00
General. Transferred from/00
his command of the Army near/00
Briansk to a position of/00
Reserve Army commander./00
Soon dismissed due to/00
Lieutenant General./00
In the Battle at Kursk,/00
he led the 70th Corps at the/00
Western Front./00
Confronted Model's 9th/00
Army and directed the battle/00
Lieutenant General./00
At the Battle at Kursk,/00
he served under Rokossovsky/00
and commanded the 13th Army/00
in the defense of the/00
Central Front./00
Lieutenant General./00
At Kursk, he commanded/00
the 48th Army in Army Centre/00
and defended the northern/00
region near Orel./00
Lieutenant General./00
Commander of 1st Armored/00
In what is known as the/00
greatest tank battle in/00
history, he confronted the/00
advancing army under German/00
Commander Kempf./00
Lieutenant General./00
Quickly joined the Red/00
Army and commanded the 5th/00
Armored Army./00
Fought against Hoth's unit/00
in the southern region./00
Field Marshal./00
Commanded forces in/00
battle for Ukraine to link/00
up with Zhukov's front to/00
encircle German forces south/00
of Kiev./00
Advancing into Berlin,/00
his forces knocked out any/00
remaining resistance from/00
the Germans./00
Directed the defense of/00
Stalingrad with command over/00
the 62nd Army./00
Vicious fighting against/00
the German 6th Army finally/00
paid off, as it allowed for/00
the recapture of Stalingrad./00
Tank Battalion Commander./00
At the Battle of Kursk,/00
he battled German Tiger/00
tanks with his Russian T34/00
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